Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bowling Slump Rules

That Mid Season Bowling Slump
Rules To Follow When In A Bowling Slump

Some Tips To Help Ease The Pain Of A Mid Season Slump In Bowling.

We have all been there, It is no fun as anyone can tell you. So I decided to write this article to help you build back your confidence in your bowling game or any sport really. But, this mainly pertains to bowling.

Here are a few rules to follow when in a bowling slump.

Rule. #1 Don’t let one bad night turn into 5 or 10 bad nights. It is very easy to let this happen and easier said then done. So try not to over think the situation.

Rule. #2 Don’t make too big of moves. An inch is better than a mile in a bowling slump. Small moves are better than big moves or less is more.

Rule. #3 Get back to the basic’s. One thing that has helped me the most is forget about striking every frame just be happy with a clean game. Usually when I do this my slump is soon gone .

Rule. #4 Get some new equipment. I know it sounds like the easy way out but in today’s game the newer the bowling ball the better the scores

now not always is it a new ball it could be a new pair of shoes, new inserts in you old ball, even a new grip. One year I was in a terrible sump and I got a new ball and raised my average 15 pin from half way through the season.

Rule. #5 Stop watching everyone else. Easier said than done, but dose work if you start just playing you own game.

Rule. #6 One ball at a time, This speaks for itself, stop looking at the outcome and look at it frame by frame.

Rule. #7 Don’t get too many opinions, some advice is good to much is bad and can really mess you up.

Here was just a few rules to help you out. It is all about confidents anyway. These rules have helped me in the past and present, I hope that they help you as well.

Good Luck and Good Bowling.

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