Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To Stay Behind Your Ball In Bowling

How To Stay Behind Your Ball In Bowling Or How To Stop Topping the Bowling Ball

Topping the bowling ball: This is a term used when a bowlers goes around the ball rather then underneath it. This causes the bowling ball to roll down the lane much like a top and the ball will have a lower bowling ball track. The common term for this is a spinner. Usually this type of ball motion does not have much punch or roll to it because of the spinning motion not getting enough surface contact on the bowling lane or because the ball track is spinning in smaller area the coverstock of the ball is not contacting the bowling lane as the coversock it filling up with lane oil. A higher ball track is about 10 to 11 inches this ball will have a lot of surface contact on the lane with a high end over end type motion, a spinner type motions will usually have a ball track under 10 inches and with a lower side spinning motion. The cause of this is usually because the bowler is not staying behind the bowling ball and goes around it not really over the top. Their axis rotation is when their fingers and thumb are pointing at 9 o’clock and going around the ball rather then at the 12 o’clock position and going up the back of the ball at the release point. In order to stop going around the ball I recommend a couple things.

1. Take a video of your release if possible. Seeing is believing in this case, not only that you willbe able to compare any changes you have tried to make to other videos.

2. Try to stay more behind the ball by letting your thumb out a little sooner and lifting straighter up with your fingers with a little finger pop at the end of your release point. Just let the ball roll of your hand naturally. Do not try to over hook the ball, just let it roll. Your release should be more toward the ceiling not toward the wall.

Well I hope this gives you some ideas to try. Remember tips are just a tip; if it doesn’t work go back to what was.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Bowling Tips For Beginners – Arrow Or Area Bowling.

Bowling Tips For Beginners – Arrow Or Area Bowling.

OK after you learned the 4 step approach and get the proper feeling bowling ball, it is time to start to learn how and where to aim. Let’s imagine we are going to go target shooting with a gun as an example. Now when we shoot the gun we don’t just aim at the target that is several feet away. What we do is use a site on the gun which is much closer and helps us line up the barrel of the gun to the target.
The same is true with a lot of things, but is especially true in bowling. We use targets on the bowling lane to help us hit the proper spot on the bowling pins. The targets are a lot closer and if we hit them correctly it will greatly improve our chances of hitting the pocket. So if you look at a bowling lane, you will see dots and arrows on the bowling lane itself. Those dots and arrows are designed for aiming purposes.
Now the recommended way to use these targets on the lane as a beginner is to start with your feet around the middle dot then use your 4 step approach, when you roll your bowling ball you should aim in an area around the 2nd and 3rd arrows, now you need to angle the bowling ball aim toward to 1 and 3 pins or the pocket (note: this is for right handed bowlers, reverse for left handed bowlers).

Now the golden rule is you move the direction your ball moves. What I mean is every thing done correctly and your bowling ball continually crosses over to toward the 7 pin you would move the direction of the 7 pin with your feet, not a lot a board at a time on the approach. The same is true if you ball is not coming up to the pocket and you keep hitting the 6 pin area, you would then incrementally move right on the approach.

Now this was for right handed bowlers again and does take practice, time, and patience. There is an image below so you can get an idea of what I am trying to say. Remember this is only a starting spot and will take some trial and error.


Bowling Tips – Choosing The Right Weight Bowling Ball.

Tips For Bowling
Choosing The Right Weight Bowling Ball.

This is a bowling tip for those that are not sure of what weight bowling ball they should use. I see a lot of people use the wrong weight bowling ball for the wrong reasons. This is a concept that is miss interpreted do to the fact that, because we use our arms in bowling us as humans think that all the physical work in our body is in the arms. This is not true most of the effort in bowling is in the legs and mainly in the slide. All the arms do is hold the ball and swing it, but that does not mean that we have to use our physical force to do this.

Now griping the ball, yes that takes some muscles and tendons in our wrist and hand. But the arms only use gravity to swing the ball and the only pull of the ball on the arm is on the shoulders.

To really swing a bowling ball correctly the ball weight dictates the force involved in the amount of speed in the swing and its height. One should not force the ball with arms strength, but let the natural force of gravity do the work.

So one should use the heaviest ball they can grip with comfort. Now anything under 15 pounds will give the bowling pins an advantage because each pin weighs 3.6 to 3.8 pounds and there are 10 of them so you are trying to knock down about 36 to 40 pounds with a full rack. Now remember the heaviest bowling ball allowed is 16 pounds. So all this beings said outlined below are a few rules to follow.

1. Choose the heaviest ball you can handle with comfort.
2. Use gravity as the applied force in swinging the ball.
3. Most of the effort in bowling is in the legs not the arms.
4. Most the muscles and tendons in the arms are in the shoulders, wrist, and fingers.
5. A full rack of bowling pins weighs about 36 to 40 pounds.

6. The maximum bowling ball weight is 16 pounds.


Bowling Tips – How to Choose A Bowling Ball For Beginners.

How to Choose A Bowling Ball For Beginners.

Here is the next thing a beginner should think about after they have learned about the 4 step approach. Then they should quickly learn how to pick out a bowling ball and after that think about getting there own. It is important to have a bowling ball that fits your hand and is comfortable. Until you are able to get your own ball you should try to pick out one that fits your hand at the bowling center or if a friend has a ball that fits you well it is ok to use it. Now most beginner bowlers will use what is called a conventional grip in there ball. Bowling is like most every thing else you learn and progress in stages of experience. In the beginning stage of bowling you start out with a conventional grip off the rack or barrowed from a friend. Then you will get your own which it is always best to have your own equipment. The grip, first the holes, now most beginners like big holes in there ball which is ok, but you really should not have them to big or too tight really. A slight drag on the out side edge of your fingers and thumb, not so much that they stick it your hand. Now the span, the span is where the palm of your hand lays on the ball between the fingers and thumb hole. This should be measured like this, put your thumb in the thumb hole with your finger flat over the finger holes. The second crease on your middle two fingers should be about ¼ inch over the first edge of finger holes on your bowling ball. Now that is just a starting spot, put your hand in the ball middle two fingers first then the thumb, then see how it feels if it is to stretched for you the shorten it up, if it is to short then length it. In all fairness anything may feel funny at first, but after you get use to it. It will feel like that old pair of leather boots. Good Luck and Have Fun.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tip For New Bowlers – The 4 Step Approach

Bowling Tips

Tips For New Bowlers – The 4 Step Approach

Here is a tip for those that are new to the sport of bowling and is one of the first things you should learn. This is the 4 step approach, now it can be hard for some or awkward, but with a little practice can come rather quickly. The demonstration below if for a right handed bowler, everything is reversed for the left handers. Now remember the foot work goes right, left, right, slide on the left foot. Now your foot work and arm swing go in sequence with each other. Now start by holding your bowling ball at hip level at about the first set of dots on the approach and to the side and on the first step you push the ball out a little, the second step the ball falls, the third step the ball falls in a pendulum swing toward your back kind of like a ball hanging on a string, the fourth step you slide and roll the ball forward down the lane and to the pins.

Now Once Again Outlined

  1. Remember right, left, right, slide on the left.
  2. Your foot work and arm swing go in sequence with each other.
  3. Hold your bowling ball at hip level to start at the first set of dots on the approach.
  4. First step you push the ball out a little.
  5. The second step the ball falls.
  6. The third step the ball falls in a pendulum swing.
  7. The fourth step you slide and roll the ball forward down the lane and to the pins.
  8. Practice and Have fun:)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010



My name is AVALANCHE ,
just simply to share the experience and
knowledge of bowling, I will display tips and techniques of bowling game in the right way based on the reference that I have ... safe to try ....